chinese crested dog in the meadow

It’s tough to be both an animal lover and an allergy sufferer at the same time. Many people think that if you’re allergic to dogs, you’ll never be able to have one in your home without plenty of sneezes, eye-watering, and wheezing. However, this isn’t entirely true as there are many types of dogs in the world that are considered hypoallergenic. This means that you may not react badly to them, or you may experience no symptoms at all.

The Chinese Crested dog is loyal, sensitive, and playful—but most importantly, a hypoallergenic dog breed. There are two types of this breed, with the one having hair on its head, tail, and feet and the other having hair all over their body. Both types can be found within the same litter.

What Makes the Chinese Crested Dog Hypoallergenic?

It’s not necessarily the length of a dog’s hair that makes them allergenic but rather the proteins they shed. People that are allergic to dogs are actually allergic to the protein that dogs produce, which can be found in their dander, urine, and saliva. All dogs produce this protein, and therefore, no dog is entirely hypoallergenic.

However, there are breeds that spread fewer allergens into their environment than other breeds. Dog breeds that don’t have a tendency to drool or slobber, such as the Chinese Crested, are less likely to transfer the proteins in their saliva onto their owners. Dogs with thinner, shorter coats tend to shed less. The loose hairs that dogs leave behind on the floor or furniture often have dander on them, which contains these proteins.

Although the Powderpuff type of Chinese Crested has short, silky hair all over their bodies, they don’t shed much. The hairless type has little to no dander and is an excellent option for allergy suffers.

Sometimes people mistake the dog as the reason for their allergies, but it might be the dust, grass, tree pollen, etc., that is in their coats from playing outside. It can be helpful to ask your doctor to do tests to determine what exactly you’re allergic to.

Other Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

If you’re looking for an alternative dog breed to the Chinese Crested, you’ve got plenty of options to choose from. A few lovely hypoallergenic breeds are below.

  • Afghan Hound: This breed is excellent for active families and enjoys long walks and runs.
  • American Hairless Terrier: If you’re looking for a dog that loves children, this breed is a great option
  • Bichon Frise: This breed doesn’t shed, but they have curly coats that need regular brushing
  • Coton de Tulear: These dogs are great for multi-pet households
  • Giant Schnauzer: This breed is highly protective over their home and family
  • Maltese: Although this breed has hair long enough to wear a bow, they’re also hypoallergenic
  • Xoloitzcuintli: This breed comes in different sizes and hair varieties
chinese crested dog lying on flower bed
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Ways To Reduce Allergens in Your Home

If you’ve already got a non-hypoallergenic dog in your home, that’s okay—there are plenty of ways to reduce allergens around your home while keeping it a safe, comfortable environment for them.

Regular Grooming

Giving your dog a bath twice a week can reduce allergens on them drastically. However, you need to avoid over-bathing them as the shampoo can dry out their skin. We recommend looking into shampoos for sensitive skin if you’re going to bathe your dog regularly or if they struggle with sensitive skin, as these shampoos will lower their dander.

Brushing through your dog’s coat will also reduce your chance of an allergic reaction. The loose hairs with dander that drop around the home are what affect sufferers negatively. Brushing your dog daily will remove their loose hairs and reduce shedding around your home.

Avoid Licking

Some breeds lick more than others. Whether you’ve got a licker or not, try to keep your hands and face away from theirs. If you do end up with slob all over, wash your hands with water and soap.


To avoid having your dog snuggle up on your bed or furniture, get them their own. Keeping your dog off your bed will allow for better sleep without allergy attacks waking you up. If you’re still having a hard time with your allergies, you may need to train your dog not to go into your bedroom entirely. However, training takes time, so you might want to start with a pet gate in your bedroom doorway.

Final Thoughts

Chinese Crested dogs are loyal and long for companionship. The best part is that they’re also hypoallergenic, making them an excellent option for allergy sufferers. There are many hypoallergenic dog breeds, so do research on each of them to determine which breed will fit into your family best.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay