Pet insurance

Pet insurance functions in a similar manner as human health insurance – pet owners pay a monthly premium, and depending on the type of plan and specific terms, the insurance policy covers a portion of certain treatments and procedures. While many plans cover unexpected medical issues, some plans offer some level of coverage for basic… Read More

A dog pooping

All dog owners have experienced the agony of waking up or coming home to the foul smell of diarrhea in your home. The range of emotions usually progresses from concern for your dog, to frustration about cleaning, then ultimately to worry that it will continue. The good news is, many times, uncomplicated diarrhea can be… Read More

Putting ear drops in dog's ear

Ear infections are common in dogs, and certain breeds are particularly prone. Sometimes, we pet owners miss the early signs and do not realize there is an infection until the ears are really angry, painful, and itchy. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to minimize veterinary bills and decrease the frequency of this painful… Read More

Veterinarian parasite mite removes of the dog's skin

If you have never experienced the itching, hair loss, and skin and ear infections associated with mites in dogs, consider yourself fortunate. Dogs can be infested with several different species of mites, all of which cause unpleasant symptoms that range from itching and discomfort to severe skin infections secondary to the damage caused by these pests…. Read More

hungarian vizsla dog poops in the green park

It’s 2:00 am and you are outside with your sick pup, again, for the third time since bedtime, when you notice bright red blood in his stool. As if being awakened repeatedly to the sound of vomiting and diarrhea was not difficult enough, you now feel a little panicked about this recent development. Worried, you… Read More

Cat staring at a salad

The obesity epidemic in cats has mirrored the epidemic in the human population in industrialized countries. Cats that were once hunters for vermin and insect control are now living the good life inside of our homes. While there are many benefits to having cats in our homes – improved lifestyle and longevity, safety, companionship and… Read More

Dog getting a vaccination

When you were a child, you likely received a series of vaccinations designed to protect you from diseases such as polio, measles and mumps. These diseases are rare today due to widespread vaccination. Similarly, many diseases that were once common in puppies are now prevented by vaccines. Parvovirus and canine distemper virus were initially highly… Read More


If you own a hamster, you may already know that there are veterinarians who specialize in taking care of the tiniest furry family members. But, what you may not know is that most companion animal veterinarians have knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of illness for these special pets, and are willing to help if… Read More