If you are out on a walk with your precious pup and come across a lovely field of yellow daffodils during the springtime, it is highly likely your dog might find a way to ingest thegolden beauties. The bright sunshine of the flowers might bring an instant boost of happiness, but there is danger looming for all dog owners. If your dog comes into contact with daffodils,either eating the stem and bulb or even drinking from water where daffodils have been, your dog is in danger. While rarely fatal, daffodil poisoning can cause gastrointestinal upset and oral pain in dogs, so it’s best to keep these plants away from our canine pals.
Daffodils are poisonous to dogs and can lead to serious health issues.
Dogs are highly inquisitive creatures, and it is unlikely we, no matter how much we love them, can stop them from examining a daffodil if it is their first encounter with the flower. Dogs tend to explore the world around them with their noses and mouths, meaning it is more likely they will end up with a daffodil in their mouth than not.
Are Daffodils Toxic to Pets?
All parts of the daffodil are poisonous to dogs. The bulb of the daffodil is the most poisonous piece, but all parts of the flower are a danger to canines. Daffodils contain toxic chemicals, and the levels vary between the types of daffodils and parts of the plant itself. However, the overall toxicity is still a danger to your dog. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, Daffodils contain lycorine, an alkaloid with strong emetic properties (something that triggers vomiting). Lycorine is found in every part of the daffodil, but is most concentrated in the plant’s bulb—an important detail if your dog is a zealous digger and chewer.
The bulbs and flowers of a daffodil also contain calcium oxalates, which are small, needle-like crystals that will cause intense pain in your dog’s mouth, tongue, lips, and throat. Once your dog ingests the crystals, they can cause stomach pain and vomiting. Long term effects of daffodil poisoning can include trouble swallowing, heart irregularities, and even respiratory distress.
If your dog has eaten, or you suspect they have eaten, any part of a daffodil or the bulbs, you need to immediately go to your veterinarian or local animal hospital.

Signs of Daffodil Poisoning in Dogs
The severity of your dog’s symptoms will vary depending on which part of the flower your dog ate. In general, smaller dogs will have a stronger reaction to ingesting daffodils than larger dog breeds will.However, it is best to treat all possible symptoms regardless of your dog’s size. Symptoms of daffodil poisoning can show up as quickly as one to three hours after your dog has consumed the plant.
Common signs of daffodil poisoning include:
- Drooling
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Increased Heart Rate
- Abdominal Pain
- Abnormal Breathing
- Cardiac Arrythmias
If you notice any of these signs in your dog, seek medical attention immediately.
My Dog Ate Daffodils, Now What?
If your dog has managed to ingest daffodils, don’t panic. There are a few steps you need to take to minimize the possibility of permanent health problems for your pup.
- Don’t Panic and Remove the Bulbs: Start by separating your dog away from any remaining daffodils. This ensures that no more daffodils will be consumed to make the problem even worse. No matter what you do, do not panic.
- Figure Out How Much was Ingested: Can you identify how much of the daffodil was consumed? What part of the daffodil was consumed? Answering these questions will help you and your veterinarian in determining proper treatment.
- Call Your Veterinarian: Contact your vet ASAP. The sooner you can get professional help, the better.
- Follow Your Vet’s Instructions: It is likely that your vet will give you immediate action steps while you are on the phone with them. This may include visiting the clinic for further exams and treatment.
Will My Dog Be Okay After Eating Daffodils?
Most cases of daffodil poisoning are relatively mild. Severe symptoms don’t occur often, but that does not eliminate the possibility. Most animals will make a full recovery after receiving proper care. If you think your dog has eaten daffodils, contact your local vet or emergency pet clinic as soon as you are able.
Featured Image Credit: Pixabay