lots of donuts

Sharing is something we learn to do early on as humans. It’s a sign of friendship, love, and equanimity. You might have the instinct to share things with your cat, including the food you eat, especially if they show interest in it. Before you do, though, you need to stop and ask yourself whether the food is safe to feed your feline friend.

When it comes to donuts, it’s best to enjoy that treat by yourself. Donuts are not recommended to feed to cats, and we’ll help you understand why.

What Should Cats Eat?

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that their diet consists primarily of animal proteins. Adult cats should consume a minimum of 140 g of protein a day. They need the essential amino acids that come from animal protein, especially taurine.

They also need plenty of fats and fatty acids. The amount depends on the individual cat and where they are in their life stage. Cats can have as little as 9% and as much as 50% of their calories coming safely from fat.

As for carbohydrates, obligate carnivores tend to eat very few of them. Cats don’t require carbs to lead a healthy life, but they can safely and efficiently turn carbs from their food into energy. Dry food with 40% or more carbs is safe for your cat to eat.

Sugar is also not a natural part of a cat’s diet. They can’t tolerate high levels of sugar, and they don’t have much of a sweet tooth. Excess sugar can lead to tooth decay, diabetes, and obesity, so it’s typically advised not to let your cat indulge in sugary food, including donuts.

two donuts on wooden table
Image courtesy of Pixabay

Why Do Cats Love Sweets?

Since cats don’t have a sweet tooth and actually can’t taste sweets at all, it may be surprising to you when your kitty asks for a lick of your ice cream.They might be drawn to another aspect of it instead, such as the fat content or amino acids in the snack.

Cats typically don’t have an interest in sugar, so if they’re interested in a sweet food you’re eating, you might consider giving them a healthier snack that will satisfy the same craving, such as meat or a cat treat.

How Much Sugar Can I Give My Cat?

It’s best not to give any sugary foods to your cat. Artificial sweeteners aren’t any better, either, since many of them, including xylitol, are toxic to cats. Chocolate is also toxic to cats, as are raisins. If your cat ingests any of these foods or a significant number of sweets or candy in general, you should call your vet for further instructions.

However, there are some fruits that cats can snack on in moderation if they show interest. Safe fruits for your cat in small amounts include:

  • Bananas – they’re a good source of vitamins and potassium.
  • Strawberries – as long as the stems and leaves are removed.
  • Apples – the flesh is high in vitamins, calcium, and phytonutrients. Avoid the stem and seeds.
  • Cantaloupes – cats are often drawn to this juicy melon because its scent imitates the proteins in meat. Avoid the rind.

With any fruit, make sure to cut it into pieces that are easily chewed and digested. It’s also important to remember that fruits and other treats should be limited to 2% or less of your cat’s diet.


Yes, donuts are bad for cats, and it’s best not to let them eat one. If your cat does consume a significant portion of a donut, you may want to contact your vet to discuss what to do.

Overall, cats don’t need sugar in their diet, and they don’t crave sweet food. However, if they are drawn to fruits, there are some safe options for you to give them. Any treat should be served in moderation for a healthy, happy cat.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay