Jade plants are common houseplants. They are hardy and easy to grow, even for those without a green thumb. But if you also have a dog, there’s a chance that they might take a nibble of your succulent plant. Are jade plants toxic to dogs? What do you do if they eat one?
While jade plants are considered to have low toxicity levels for dogs1, they can cause severe gastrointestinal upset and a loss of coordination. It’s recommended that you keep all jade plants out of reach of your dog, but if your dog has already eaten one, here’s what to do.
Jade Poisoning Severity and Symptoms
Jade plants can cause vomiting, depression, slow heart rates, and a loss of coordination in dogs. You might notice your dog staggering or falling down while they walk. If this is happening, it’s important to consult your veterinarian on what to do.

Treatment Options
If you can, remove any plant matter from your dog’s mouth to prevent further ingestion. Move the plant away, preferably into a room that your dog doesn’t have access to. If you know for sure your dog has eaten jade, the next step is to call the vet, even if your dog isn’t showing obvious symptoms of toxicity. They can guide you on what to watch for.
Symptoms of jade toxicity include:
- Vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Hiding
- Aggression
- Slow heart rate
- Convulsions
- Impaired muscle movement
Don’t induce vomiting in your dog. If your dog vomits on their own, watch to make sure they don’t choke on it. Dehydration can result from vomiting, so make sure to give your dog plenty of fluids.
In severe cases, your vet will need to examine your dog. If you can, take a piece of the plant with you to confirm what your dog ate. It is possible that your dog will need supportive care with IV fluids. The vet may also give your dog activated charcoal to absorb any remaining toxins in their system. Do not give this to your dog at home. It must be administered by a professional.
The good news is that jade toxicity is usually mild. Even if your dog does exhibit symptoms, they are usually resolved with supportive care and prompt treatment. Your dog isn’t likely to have any lasting effects from the incident.
If you have jade plants in your home, it is always best to make sure your dog can’t reach them or to keep them in a separate room. Jade is considered a low-toxicity plant. Ingestion can cause gastrointestinal symptoms and temporary loss of muscle tone, but symptoms are usually mild. Prompt treatment from your vet will have your dog back to normal in no time!
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