radishes in white background

Because many dogs make a bad habit of eating things that they shouldn’t, their worried owners must constantly remain on guard. We know some foods, such as chocolate, are dangerous for dogs, but that leaves many others in the category of unknown danger. If your dog decides to play rabbit and scavenge some radishes from your garden, for example, should you be concerned?

Garden radishes are not toxic to dogs, and you shouldn’t need to worry if your dog eats one. In this article, we’ll discuss whether radishes are good for dogs, as well as let you know some radish-related plants you may need to watch out for.

Are Radishes Good For Dogs?

Unlike cats, who are true carnivores, dogs are considered omnivores. They can process nutrition from both plant and animal sources. Dogs that primarily eat a nutritionally balanced commercial diet don’t need to eat vegetables like radishes for the nutrients, but they can still provide some benefits.

Radishes are low in calories and contain antioxidants, fiber, and other beneficial vitamins and minerals. Vegetables can often make a healthy snack for a dog who needs to shed a few pounds. Just remember that treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.

If you want to offer your dog radishes, they can be fed raw and in moderation only. Eating too much of any plant material could potentially upset your dog’s stomach. Monitor your dog for any vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite, and call your vet if necessary.

Because radishes have a strong, peppery flavor, your dog may not actually like them. In that case, try offering other vegetables like carrots, green beans, or sweet potatoes instead. Avoid feeding your dog avocadoes, onions, garlic, or shallots.

radishes on a table outdoor
Image courtesy of Pixabay

Horseradish And Wild Radish: A Word Of Warning

Garden radishes are okay for your dog to eat, but you should be cautious about two other plants with similar names: horseradish and wild radish.

Horseradish is a root vegetable related to wasabi and mustard. It is used medicinally and ground up into horseradish sauce. While horseradish is not technically toxic, it’s quite spicy and can be irritating to the mucus membranes and the digestive tract. It’s unlikely your dog will want to eat horseradish, but you should discourage them from doing so to avoid irritation.

The wild radish isn’t a vegetable at all but a wildflower, unrelated to garden radishes. This flower is considered toxic to horses but should be avoided by dogs as well. The seeds of the plant are the primary area of concern.


Most vegetables, including radishes, are not harmful to dogs and may even make a tasty snack for them. As long as your dog is getting all their vital nutrients from their regular diet, adding in safe vegetables or fruits can be a nice treat for them. Before offering new food to your pup, you should check with your veterinarian. This is especially true if your canine has known allergies or sensitivities.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay