beautiful snapdragons

Cats are notorious for eating plants. If you’re a gardener or a potted plant aficionado, you probably already know whether your cat enjoys snacking on vegetation every now and again. It’s important to identify what plants are safe to grow in your house or your yard, especially if there’s a chance that they might ingest them.

Good news for snapdragon fans: snapdragons are not poisonous or toxic to cats. In fact, the common garden snapdragon is non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses alike, according to the ASPCA.

What Are Snapdragons?

Snapdragons are a common garden flower prized for their tall stalks, beautiful colors, and the signature shape of their flowers, which gives them their name. The individual flower heads resemble the snout of a dragon and can be gently pressed on both sides to open like a mouth. Pollinators like bees often open the flowers themselves.

They are short-lived perennials that flourish in cool weather, making them an excellent fall flower for many locations. Snapdragons come in a rainbow of colors and can add a beautiful rainbow to your garden.

What Happens When a Cat Eats a Snapdragon?

If you’re both a gardener and a cat owner, you have nothing to fear from snapdragons. They are harmless to cats when ingested. Your cat can also lick them or roll around in them without negative repercussions.

Of course, there’s always the possibility of an unknown allergy. Some cats may be allergic to specific plants or flowers, including snapdragons, or have sensitive skin.

If this is the case with your feline, you need to keep an eye on them so you can pinpoint where the allergic reaction is coming from. But if your cat eats a snapdragon and has no reaction to it, you don’t need to take any further action.

pink snapdragon
Image courtesy of Pixabay

Creating a Cat-Friendly Garden

A lot of research must go into planning your garden when you want it to be a safe and happy place for your feline to explore. Cats may consider a flowerbed a worthy buffet, so it’s essential to know what they can and can’t safely ingest.

Snapdragons are a great option for a gardener who loves flowers. A few other blooms that are safe to have around your cats include:

  • Marigolds – also known as the herb of the sun, these sunny flowers will safely brighten any garden.
  • Gerbera daisies – boasting many different colors and no harmful effects to pets, these can be a beautiful addition to your flowerboxes.
  • Sunflowers – humans love to eat their seeds, and they’re safe for your cat to ingest, too.
  • Petunias – cat-friendly, bell-shaped flowers famous for their vibrant colors.

Another thing to keep in mind when planting your garden is how you treat the plants. Some fertilizers, pesticides, and other sprays may not be healthy for your pets to come into contact with, so make sure to check the ASPCA if you have any doubt about what you’re using in your soil or spraying on your flowers.


Snapdragons are not poisonous to cats, which means you can safely plant and enjoy them in your garden. They are beautiful, multicolored flowers with a unique name and shape that will pose no risk to cats or any other pets or children in your home. Happy gardening!

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay