If you have allergies but want to adopt a dog, you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. All dogs, regardless of if they’re hypoallergenic, produce dander, drool, and urine. So, it’s challenging to find a dog that suits your needs.
But here’s the good news: many people can still own a dog even if they have allergies. All they have to do is find a breed that produces less of these things. That’s where the Australian Terrier comes in. This dog breed shares genes with the Cairn Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, and Dandie Dinmont Terrier—all hypoallergenic dogs.
But do these dogs make good pets? Well, we’re about to find out!
Grooming Requirements for Australian Terriers
Grooming is everything when it comes to hypoallergenic dogs. You want a dog breed that requires little grooming to avoid allergy flare-ups.
Obviously, some dog grooming is still required. Here’s what you should expect from any breed:
- Brushing
- Bathing
- Ear cleaning
- Eye cleaning
- Teeth cleaning
Dog groomers everywhere can help with heavy-duty grooming, and hypoallergenic dogs shouldn’t require heavy grooming regularly. The Australian Terrier is one of these dogs.
They have medium-length wiry fur that’s only one layer, so it hardly sheds, making brushing and bathing easier. You may need to trim the fur around the eyes occasionally and brush out the fur around the legs.
The best part about Australian Terriers (aside from their cuteness) is how seldom they need a bath—only three to four times a year! Or unless their skin is dry.
Ear cleaning and eye cleaning vary from dog to dog, and teeth cleaning should be done weekly, but daily is better if you can.
Brushing teeth requires you to come in contact with your dog’s saliva, which may cause an allergic reaction. Disposable gloves can help with this, and a tasty enzymatic toothpaste helps the process go faster.

Are Australian Terriers Good Pets?
So, we know that Australian Terriers are hypoallergenic, and we know what to expect with grooming. But do they make good pets?
No, they don’t make good pets—they make great pets.
Australian Terriers have a kick in their step that puts a smile on anyone’s face. They love to play with their owners, especially children, and look forward to cuddling on the couch while you watch TV. They really are the ideal small family dog.
These little dogs can be stubborn, so training can be a hassle sometimes. Their hunting instincts may take over, causing them to become distracted quickly. If you have cats and other small animals, take your time with introductions.
Australian Terriers tolerate other dogs and will even play with them, but they prefer to be the only dog in the house. Luckily, those with dog allergies probably won’t have another dog in the house.
What’s the Cost of an Australian Terrier?
So, where do you begin if you’re serious about adopting an Australian Terrier?
You’d want to start with local animal shelters and terrier rescues if you can. They have low adoption fees, and you can meet the pet first. When you have allergies, this can be an issue because of all the pet dander, and you might not find this breed at your local shelter.
However, meeting the dog multiple times gives you a better idea of how your allergies will react around the dog.
Adopting from a reputable breeder can ensure consistent genetics and known medical history. The only caveat is it will cost more. These puppies generally cost between $1,200–$1,500. Show dogs will cost even more.
This price doesn’t include vaccines, food, toys, and other dog expenses. It’s not the most expensive dog breed, but it’s certainly not cheap.
So, start budgeting if this is the breed you want!
Final Thoughts
Although there isn’t a truly hypoallergenic dog, Australian Terriers come pretty darn close. They don’t have much fur, hardly need baths, and make great family pets. Plus, how can you resist that scruffy face?
You can find all kinds of terriers at local rescues, and there’s always the option to buy from a breeder if you can’t. If you’re not into Doodles and want a small dog, Australian Terriers are a great alternative!
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