If you want to learn more about Spaniels, understanding the difference between the Cavalier and King Charles Spaniel is a good place to start. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and King Charles Spaniel are undoubtedly similar, but their differences make them two separate breeds. Anyone passionate about the two breeds will quickly correct you if… Read More
Author: Cassidy Sutton
Cassidy is a full time writer who used to be a professional pet sitter and vet tech. She adores things animals, both wild and domestic having had a multitude of pets and loves writing about the animal-human bond. She lives in Wichita with her husband with a German Shepherd named Raven, two cats, Lucy & Strudel, and a few backyard chicks.
It’s okay to offer your dog a treat every day, so long as you don’t overdo it. And that’s where many pet owners get confused. How do you know how many treats are too many? Dogs come in many different breeds and sizes, and other dogs go through hard-core training. So, you can’t fall back on… Read More
We hope you clicked on this post only because of curiosity. Hearing that your dog has Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is heartbreaking news. CHF is when the heart can’t pump enough blood throughout the body. This causes an increase in pressure and fluid that eventually leaks into other areas of the body. Sadly, there is no… Read More
If you have allergies but want to adopt a dog, you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. All dogs, regardless of if they’re hypoallergenic, produce dander, drool, and urine. So, it’s challenging to find a dog that suits your needs. But here’s the good news: many people can still own a dog even… Read More
Old English Sheepdogs are a perfect combination of goofy and fluffy. These dogs want nothing more than to love you, please you, and protect you. They’ve even played some major roles in Hollywood! Is it any wonder why people love this breed? Unfortunately, these dogs aren’t hypoallergenic. They have such long fur with a double… Read More
Finding the right hypoallergenic dog breed is kind of like online dating. You have to scroll through all the doggie profiles before finding the right breed for you. It takes time and patience, and you find yourself more frustrated the longer it takes. The hard part is finding the right hypoallergenic breed. Dogs come in different… Read More
So, you have allergies, and you want a dog. You could cry a river knowing that you can’t have a dog all because of a little dog dander. However, you’re in luck because Cockapoos are hypoallergenic! You can’t go wrong with Cockapoos. These adorable dogs are sweet, loving, and tolerate being around kids and other… Read More
An old phrase says, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” But what if those eyes are cloudy and look like there’s a storm a brewin’? There are a few reasons why your dog has cloudy eyes, so keep reading if this is your dog. We’re discussing five possibilities for cloudy eyes in dogs… Read More
As dog owners, we love offering treats to our pups. And let’s face it—dogs eat anything they can get their paws on. One drop of food scrap on the kitchen floor and your dog has swallowed it before you know it’s gone. For this reason, dog owners everywhere want to know if plums are okay… Read More
So, your dog ate a peach. And now, here you are, wondering if you should worry or not. The good news? Peaches are generally safe for dogs as long as they don’t consume the pit, stem, or leaves. They can even be a good option as a healthy snack. But before you toss a peach… Read More
Nail caps are tiny sheath covers placed on your cat’s nails to minimize scratch damage. Putting nail caps on your cat is like giving your cat a manicure with the added benefit of protecting your furniture. Admittingly, they look a little silly. But nail caps provide peace of mind for cat owners and are 100%… Read More
If your cat is pregnant, it makes sense to wonder how long she’ll be in labor. Usually, cats are in labor for 6–12 hours from when she starts having contractions to the afterbirth phase. Cat labor goes through three different stages, similar to human labor. Thankfully, cats have been giving birth for a long time,… Read More
We all know that strawberries are packed full of vitamins and minerals and taste delicious. Apparently, cats have caught on. Some cats can’t get enough strawberries, but does that mean they are safe for our furry friends to eat? As cat owners, we enjoy offering treats to our kitties. They’re a great way to bond… Read More
Do you want African Violets around your home but fear that they’re poisonous to your kitties? Good news! African violets are 100% non-toxic to dogs and cats. However, as cat owners, we know that learning this information is only the first step. Cats like to munch on our plants when we’re not looking, so keeping… Read More