boxer on grass

Boxers are a super popular breed—and for good reason. These loyal, amiable dogs make wonderful playmates, companions, and guardians. They awe onlookers with their adorably smooshed faces and comical body language–but what about allergies?

If you’re a dog lover who also suffers from allergies, would a Boxer be less irritating than other canines—or even hypoallergenic? The answer is no. Boxers have just as much of a triggering effect as others.  Continue reading to learn more.

Boxers & Allergies

Boxers are a large breed with tight, short, coarse coats. Because their fur is so streamlined with their skin, it might seem like maybe they don’t shed as much. But that’s actually not true. They shed moderately, so you will still find their hair stuck to your fabrics.

And while it’s true that shorter coats may curb the effects of allergies, it isn’t the same as being hypoallergenic.

What Exactly Does Hypoallergenic Mean?

Hypoallergenic means that something is entirely free of allergy-causing elements. So, technically no dog is 100% hypoallergenic.

However, some dog breeds are much less irritating than others. Boxers are not among them.

How Allergies Work

If you suffer from allergies related to pets, you’re familiar with the effects. But what you might not fully understand is how it works to trigger you in the first place.

Dogs secrete proteins in their bodies that can irritate humans when we come in contact. These proteins live in your pet’s saliva, urine, and dander.

Someone with allergies has a very sensitive immunity to these proteins. So, when you  touch dog hair on furniture or get sloppy doggy kisses—you’re coming into direct contact. Also, these proteins can be airborne, too.

These proteins enter your system through your eye, nose, and lungs. If you constantly live in a home with dogs and have allergies, you could show various symptoms. A sensitive person with an allergy might suffer as a consequence.

boxer outdoors
Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Symptoms of Allergies

  • Sneezing, wheezing
  • Itchiness
  • Swelling around eyes and nose
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Reddening of skin after direct exposure
  • Worsening of existing asthma

Sometimes, over-the-counter medications work to alleviate these symptoms. For severe allergies, prescription medications might be necessary.

Coexisting with Dogs

Depending on the severity of your allergies and your doctor’s recommendation, you can coexist with canine companions with minimal discomfort. Those microscopic particles can get into everything –even the air.

Here are some ideas to alleviate some symptoms.

Use Medication

There are tons of over-the-counter and prescription medications to control allergies. For the best option for your allergies, we recommend asking a doctor.

Ultimately, your chosen medication will depend on the severity of your allergies. Some only require minimal treatment, while others can be more problematic.

Thoroughly Clean

Keep up with cleaning daily to prevent too much dander buildup. That means shaking the rugs, lint-rolling your clothes, and vacuuming your floors. Get rid of as much hair as you can.

Use Furniture Covers

Furniture covers can protect your fabrics from hair and saliva. You can cover them up and wash them regularly to keep your home as dander-free as possible.

Have Dog-Friendly & Dog-Free Spaces in the Home

It might seem cruel to limit access for your dog in the home. We understand it completely. But leaving spaces that you spend a lot of time off limits to your dog, like your bedroom, can reduce symptoms.

Boxer standing on the patio
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Even though, as we mentioned earlier, no dog is truly hypoallergenic, some come really close.

Some examples include:

  • Bichon Frise
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Poodle
  • Chinese Crested
  • Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Afghan Hound

The Power of Mixed Breeds

If you simply love the look of a Boxer but suffer from allergies, there might be an answer—mixed breeds. Often, if a dog is mixed with a (mostly) hypoallergenic dog, it can transfer.

Poodles give less allergy-triggering elements than most. Plus, they have an outstanding, intelligent disposition. This is one of the primary reasons poodles are often used in designer dog breeds.

The boxer/poodle mix is a real thing—it’s called a boxerdoodle. And you should check them out!

Final Thoughts

So, while a Boxer isn’t a hypoallergenic breed, or even less allergenic, there are ways around it—even if it comes down to settling for a mixed breed versus purebred.

If you suffer from extreme allergies or asthma, don’t put yourself at risk for severe side effects. Try to choose a less triggering breed. Or, unfortunately, you might need to steer away from canines completely.

Featured Image Credit: Dmitry Kalinovsky, Shutterstock