
So, you have allergies, and you want a dog. You could cry a river knowing that you can’t have a dog all because of a little dog dander. However, you’re in luck because Cockapoos are hypoallergenic! 

You can’t go wrong with Cockapoos. These adorable dogs are sweet, loving, and tolerate being around kids and other dogs. If you have allergies and want an affectionate family dog, the Cockapoo could be for you.

But wait! Before you go out and adopt a Cockapoo, there are a few things you should be aware of. Keep reading to find out more about this small breed.

Dipping Your Paws in Dog Genetics

If you’re serious about adopting a hypoallergenic dog, you’ve probably learned a thing or two about dog cross breeding and genetics.

If not, don’t worry. We’re breaking it down for you here. You don’t have to understand everything about it—unless you’re really into the subject—but it does help to recognize hypoallergenic breeds.

Dogs that are crossbred are labeled as either F1, F2, F3, F1b, or F2b. The “F” stands for “filial hybrid” and the number represents the generation.

These labels tell breeders how much DNA the puppy has from each parent.

Here’s a breakdown of each label:

  • F1: 50% Purebred A, 50% Purebred B
  • F2: 50% Purebred A, 50% Purebred B (parents are F1 dogs)
  • F3: 50% Purebred A, 50% Purebred B (parents are F2 dogs)
  • F1b: 75% Purebred A, 25% Purebred B
  • F2b: 75% Purebred A, 25% Purebred B

So, an F1 cockapoo is 50% cocker spaniel, and 50% poodle, otherwise known as a first-generation cockapoo. So far, it’s pretty straightforward. F2 cockapoos are cockapoo puppies whose parents were also F1 cockapoos. F3 cockapoos had parents who were F2 cockapoos. The DNA train goes on and on.

But what happens when the letter “b” is introduced? This letter stands for “backcross.” It means that the puppy will inherit most of the characteristics of one parent.

For example, an F1b cockapoo will be 75% poodle and only 25% cocker spaniel.

cockapoo out in the snow
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Which Type of Cockapoo Is Best for Allergies?

Does your brain hurt yet? With all this genetic information, it’s natural for people to question if a type of cockapoo is better for allergies.

It’s difficult to predict which parent’s coat a cockapoo will inherit. The truth is that there isn’t a genuinely hypoallergenic cockapoo. Even if the puppy inherits the poodle coat, the dog will still produce some dander and shed some. So, allergic reactions can still occur.

With that being said, the amount of dander and shedding is far less than other breeds. Try to stick with a breed that falls under the F1b, F2, or F3 label. This gives you a better chance of adopting a dog with consistent genetics. You’ll have to clarify if the puppy falls into one of these categories with a breeder.

Is a Cockapoo a Good Family Dog?

Cockapoos are excellent family dogs. They love children and don’t mind other dogs. These dogs adjust well to apartment life and aren’t known to be barkers either. Generally, cockapoos are one of the happiest dogs you’ll ever meet!

If you or a family member has allergies, it’s best to meet the dog first to test the waters. That way, you can see if the cockapoo triggers an allergic reaction.

Keep in mind that meeting the dog may not be enough. Sometimes, allergies take time to kick in. If you really want to be thorough, try finding someone who already owns a cockapoo and hang out with their dog for a while.

If you don’t have any issues, then you have your answer, and it’s time to adopt a cockapoo!

Final Thoughts

Are you ready to welcome a new cockapoo to the family? Cockapoos are one of the best dogs to have as a family pet. You’ll spend less time sneezing and more time saying, “go fetch!”

Finding a reputable breeder is crucial to adopting the right cockapoo for you. Do your research and choose a breeder you trust. Before long, you’ll have your new friend in your lap. And hopefully, the box of tissues won’t be opened any time soon.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock