a dozen of eggs on a tray

As you are sitting at the breakfast table, enjoying your eggs and bacon, you may be wondering if you can share your meal with your dog. He is sniffing in the air, rocking from one leg to the other, and you can see the look of anticipation. As you know, he is waiting patiently to see if you are going to share your eggs with him. Try as we may, it’s hard to resist giving them table food. So, the question is, “Can dogs eat eggs?” Yes, cooked eggs are an excellent source of nutrition for your little buddy.

Eggs are high in protein, vitamins, and fatty acids. Never feed your dog raw eggs, however. If you want to give your dog eggs as an occasional treat or as part of their regular diet, there are some things to consider.


Like any other food, introducing eggs to his diet should be done cautiously. It is important to slowly introduce the new food and monitor your dog for any allergic reactions. Allergy symptoms may include:

  • Hives
  • Coughing
  • Restlessness
  • Rubbing his paws and face
  • Inflamed paws
  • Bald patches
  • Ear infections (might be chronic)

Medical conditions

Talk to your vet about adding eggs to your pet’s diet. The dog’s age, size, and medical history will help them determine how many, if any, will have health benefits for your dog.

Weight gain

Giving your dog too many eggs can lead to weight related health issues, such as heart problems, breathing issues, and infections. However, in moderation, eggs can be beneficial to their health.

dog eating
Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Egg preparation

If you are cooking an egg for your dog, keep in mind that the egg is very nutritious but adding oils, spices, and salt is not recommended. Onion salt, garlic, and many more herbs and spices are dangerous for dogs and should be avoided.

Raw eggs

Most experts agree that you should always fully cook any eggs you are feeding to your pet. There are no nutritional benefits to feeding your dog raw eggs, and it can make them sick. The risks include:

  • Salmonellosis is an infection from raw eggs containing salmonella. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy.
  • A bacterial infection that can cause stomach upset.

Eggs contain protein and calcium, and they do not affect a dog’s sugar level. So, if your dog is diabetic, it’s okay to give him eggs. To avoid giving your pet too much oil, prepare the eggs with water and avoid salt and spices. Dogs suffering from pancreatitis should avoid fatty, fried foods. If you want to give your dog eggs, give him boiled egg whites.


When you consider the health benefits of eggs, you may want to have a discussion with your vet. They can help you to decide how many eggs to feed to your dog, if any at all. Most dogs will eat them up like candy, and they will love you for feeding them a tasty treat.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay