Whether you plant daisy flowers in your garden or decorate the inside of your home with them, it is essential to know which ones are toxic to your feline friend. Cats often like to experiment and stray from their regular diet to taste your plants. However, if planting Gerbera daisies is on your agenda, you need not worry.
Gerbera is a type of daisy originating from Africa and is known for its bright colors. The flowers are not toxic to cats and are considered safe for cats to ingest. However, remember that since plants are not part of your cat’s normal diet, too much of any plant is not ideal for their stomach. A mild case of diarrhea, vomiting, or upset stomach may result from your cat ingesting too many Gerbera daisies.
However, if you are using any chemicals on the plants in your garden (including pesticides and fertilizers), they can leave a residue on the leaves, which is harmful to your cat. Call your vet immediately if you notice your cat has stomach issues or lethargy.
Which Daisies Are Not Okay for Cats to Ingest?
While Gerbera daisies are safe for your cat to ingest in small amounts, these species are highly toxic and should be avoided:
- African daisies
- Seaside daisies
- Marguerites
- Chrysanthemum
- Showy daisies
- Gloriosa daisies

What are the Symptoms?
The daisies listed above are toxic to cats because they contain chemicals called sesquiterpene, pyrethrins, and lactones, which are all classified as terpenes. These chemicals give the plants their aroma, and your cat’s liver lacks the enzymes to process them. Cats are carnivores and cannot switch their diet to plants. If cats ingest too many plants, common symptoms include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Dermatitis
- Excessive drooling
- Loss of coordination
- Internal bleeding (rare)
Final Thoughts
Most felines that eat too many daisies, or any plant, will make a relatively speedy recovery, and most symptoms will resolve within a week. It is always a good idea to take your pet to the vet if you notice any troubling symptoms.
Once your vet diagnoses your cat’s condition, they may decide that treatment is unnecessary if it is not exhibiting severe symptoms. Depending on what your vet says, talk to them about whether it is appropriate to change your cat’s daily diet. While recovering, your pet may require bland foods for several days.
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