
If you’re a dog owner who happens to love kiwi fruit, you may be wondering if you can share kiwis with your dog. Or perhaps your dog has eaten some kiwi and you’re wondering if they’re going to be OK. Either way, you’ll be happy to know that kiwis are a dog-friendly fruit that won’t make your pet sick.

How to Feed Kiwis to Your Dog

The key to feeding any new food like kiwis to a dog is moderation. You shouldn’t give your dog a whole kiwi to eat, especially if your dog is small because the fruit may be swallowed whole and get lodged in your dog’s throat. Instead, cut the kiwi into small pieces before giving them a taste.

It’s important to know that some dogs don’t tolerate treats other than their own food. This is why you should take it slowly and start gradually to see how your dog reacts to the fruit.

While the fuzzy and fibrous outer skin of a kiwi is safe for dogs to eat, it’s a good idea to remove the skin before feeding it to them. This way, they won’t get an abundance of fiber in their diet, which could disrupt their digestive system. While fiber is good for dogs because it adds bulk to the feces, too much of it can make defecating difficult.

Other Dog-Safe Fruits You Can Share With Your Pet

If you’re feeding your dog a balanced, high-quality, nutritionally-complete dog food, it’s not necessary to supplement their diet with fruit. However, it’s fine to give your dog a few fruity treats now and then.

Here are a few dog-safe fruits you can share with your beloved pooch, as long as you do so in moderation:

  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries
  • Cranberries
  • Cucumbers
  • Mango
  • Apples (no seeds)
  • Pears (no seeds)
  • Pineapple
  • Oranges
  • Peaches (no pit)
  • Watermelon (no seeds)
  • Bananas
kiwis in a wooden bowl
Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Common Fruits That Aren’t Dog-Friendly

There are some fruits you should never feed your dog because they can make them sick. For your sake, and the sake of your dog’s health, do some research to learn about all the “people foods” that are toxic to dogs. Here are some common fruits that can make your doggie ill:

  • Avocado
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Tomatoes
  • Rhubarb

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Something They Shouldn’t

If your dog eats fruit or another food that’s toxic to dogs, try not to panic. Instead, keep a cool head so you can do the right thing and act quickly. You can contact the Animal Poison Control Center at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) for some advice. However, your best bet would be to give your veterinarian a call so you can get immediate care for your dog if needed.

If your dog is exhibiting worrisome symptoms, your vet will likely tell you to bring them in for an exam. Be ready to tell your vet exactly what your dog has eaten and when the food was consumed.


Kiwis are dog-safe fruits that you can feed to your dog, as long as you don’t overdo it. Learn all you can about what foods you can and can’t share with your dog, so you become a well-informed dog owner. Remember that your beloved dog depends on you for good care, so don’t let your furry friend down! Of course, accidents happen. Just be sure to get them the care they need if they already scarfed down some unsafe fruits.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay