It can be difficult to keep track of which foods are harmful to dogs for pet owners. For instance, many owners are not sure as to whether can dogs eat peppers. For bell peppers, the answer is yes. Bell peppers are a great, safe source of nutrients for you as well as your pet. You can share them with your dog as a healthy alternative snack since they aren’t toxic.
For other types of spicy peppers, though, the answer is no. Read on below to find out more.
Bell Peppers
Almost any color bell pepper contains vitamins and nutrients that benefit a dog’s health, but red bell peppers contain the highest levels of vitamins and antioxidants. Red bell peppers are the best bell pepper to feed your dog as they are the most nutritious.
Besides being rich in vitamins A, E, B6, and lutein, peppers are good sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene, which are antioxidants important to a dog’s immune system. Beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body, promoting skin, coat, and eye health in dogs.
Bell peppers should be introduced to your dog slowly and in moderation, as with any human food you add to their diet. It is recommended to keep large dogs eating less than one-half pepper at a time and small dogs eating less than one-quarter pepper at a time. Some dogs will be fine with it, while others may not handle it as well. To help prevent indigestion, you can remove the seeds and stems.
Any more than this and your dog might suffer from stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Just as with other vegetables, it is important not to overload your dog since it might result in gastrointestinal upset.
You should never season or salt peppers or feed your dog ones that have been mixed with onions or garlic because those ingredients are harmful to dogs. You can steam or puree peppers to make them easier for your dog to eat and digest.

Are Spicy Peppers Bad for Dogs?
You should not give your pup the spicy varieties of pepper, such as jalapenos or chili peppers. Spicy pepper varieties are a fruit produced by plants belonging to the genus Capsicum. They contain a substance called capsaicin, which causes a burning sensation in your dog’s mouth.
Even though capsaicin is not actually toxic to dogs, it can cause burning in their mouth and throat if eaten. Besides being extremely unpleasant for your pet, it can also cause distress in their behavior. Since chili powder contains capsaicin from dried chilies, your pup can suffer from the same discomfort as a chili pepper if it is included in spicy foods.
In conclusion, while most peppers may not be inherently bad for dogs, they can still cause some stomach problems. Consult your veterinarian before adding anything new to your dog’s diet and if your dog has a sensitivity to peppers, it’s best to avoid giving them any. Additionally, if your dog does eat peppers, keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t have any adverse reactions. Most dogs should tolerate bell peppers well. If your dog has eaten a spicy pepper, you should watch them for signs of discomfort or distress. If they start to act strange or vomit, take them to the vet immediately.
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