Polka dot plants in pots

Polka dot plants can provide your home with a bit of color. Unlike most plants, polka dot plants aren’t solely green. Therefore, they can be a bit different from the other plants in your home.

Many plants that make good houseplants aren’t great for those with cats and there are several plants that are toxic to cats. Luckily, polka dot plants aren’t toxic to cats in the least. In fact, they are safe in very small amounts and may only cause slight digestive discomfort if the cat consumes a lot of it.

Despite this, the digestive problems aren’t directly linked to the type of plant. Instead, they are linked to the fact that felines simply aren’t designed to consume tons of plant material. If they do, slight digestive problems may ensue.

Polka Dot plants provide similar problems if they are consumed in large quantities. However, this isn’t because they are poisonous, just that they’re plants.

Therefore, these plants aren’t toxic to felines, but they may cause some digestive problems simply because they’re plants.

What Other Houseplants are Safe for Cats?

There are several plants that are completely safe for cats. If you have a feline, ensuring that you only introduce completely safe plants to your house is vital. Cats are extremely curious and tend to eat houseplants despite the fact that they are carnivores. Therefore, we recommend choosing plants that can withstand a bit of nibbling and won’t harm your cat in the process.

Orchids are a popular plant that is safe for cats. In fact, they are one of the few flowering plants that are safe for cats, since most are toxic. Plus, orchids require little water and don’t need much sunlight. Therefore, they are perfect for keeping inside.

African violets are another common plant that’s safe for cats. They also produce flowers, similar to the orchid. Spider plants are extremely common houseplants that are also non-toxic to felines. These leafy plants like to dangle, but they aren’t exactly vines.

Boston ferns (and most other ferns) are safe for cats. These plants are also extremely easy to locate, as they are located at most garden centers. Of course, if you choose a fern that isn’t a Boston fern, be sure that it is safe for your feline.

Bromeliads are very vibrant despite not having flowers. You can find them in a variety of patterns and colors, which makes them a unique addition to your home. Plus, these plants are non-toxic, though extremely high amounts can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, you may want to place these plants up high where your cat can’t access them readily.

Haworthias are very popular and non-toxic to cats.  These plants are also known as succulents and don’t require much maintenance in the least. Therefore, they are solid options for beginners and those that tend to kill plants. These plants don’t grow fast at all. We recommend them for areas without much room for this reason.

For those looking for something a bit more vivid, we recommend gloxinias. These flowers look a lot like African violets. However, they are completely safe for cats. They produce bright, vibrant flowers. They do best in bright (but indirect) light. Therefore, we recommend them for brighter areas, though they don’t necessarily need to be by a window.


There are many plants that are safe for cats, including polka dot plants. This plant isn’t toxic and can be eaten in small amounts by your feline. However, like most plants, it may cause digestive upset if your feline eats too much of it. After all, cats aren’t designed to digest plants.

Before purchasing any plant that your cat will come into contact with, be sure that it isn’t toxic. There are several plants out there that are toxic. Don’t assume that just because a plant is for sale that it is safe for children and animals.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay