poodle dog in grass with wheelchair

Dog wheelchairs are designed to help dogs who suffer from paralysis, or other mobility issues move around more easily. You may be looking at buying a dog wheelchair if your dog is finding it harder to get around. Some breeds, including Dachshunds, are prone to invertebral disc disease. Others, including Corgis and Irish Setters, can… Read More

The Best Dog Bowls

If your dogs are anything like mine, you can set your watch by when they start lining up for feed time. While making sure you select the best food for your dog is a major decision as a pet owner, so is selecting the best dog bowl for their food and water. There’s many things… Read More

The Best Cat Bowls

We all know that our cats deserve the best, and they often make it clear if they don’t like something! Taking the time to invest in the best type of cat bowl for your feline friend will make mealtimes a pleasure. Maybe your cat needs to lose weight and you’re looking for a slow feeder… Read More

The Best Dog Calming Collars

Dog calming collars are perfect if your dog suffers from stress or anxiety in certain situations. These collars use pheromones, essential oils or herbs, to help reduce fear and anxiety. Collars that use pheromones have been clinically proven to help dogs in a range of situations, including loud noises, separation anxiety, or when moving house…. Read More

The Best Heated Dog Beds

Heated dog beds create a warm and cozy spot for your dog to curl up, which can be of benefit for many different dogs. This can include elderly dogs which may suffer from arthritis and stiff joints which can be made worse in cold weather. Dogs with thin coats can also suffer from the cold… Read More

The Best Pet Heating Pads

Many cats and dogs just love curling up for a satisfying nap, in the warmest spot they can find. A pet heating pad is the perfect way to guarantee there’s a cozy place for them, whatever the weather. This can be especially useful for older pets, or those with a litter of puppies or kittens…. Read More

A cat playing outdoors

Whether you have an indoor or outdoor cat, we all know how much our furry friends love to play. Interactive cat toys are a great way of providing a fun way for you and your cat to play together. More than that though, they also provide your cat with mental and physical stimulation, allowing them… Read More

shar pei dog eating

Choosing the best canned dog food is a difficult decision, and there’s so many out there to choose from. Do you select a brand based on flavors you know your dog will enjoy? Or choose a canned dog food specifically formulated for their life stage, be that a new puppy or a senior dog who’s… Read More

The Best Vacuums for Pet Hair

It goes without saying that we all love our pets, but what many of us don’t love is the accumulation of pet hair in our homes. The majority of traditional vacuums aren’t necessarily up to the job of removing large amount of pet hair though. So if yours is having trouble, then it might be… Read More