fluffy black and white dog panting in grass with personalized collar and braided leash_

If you have a dog, you’ll need to get him a dog collar. You will want it immediately recognizable that he has a family who loves him, otherwise your dog can get away from you and be picked up by the local dog shelter. If he’s not micro-chipped, he may actually be euthanized at that… Read More

The Best Dog Repellent Sprays

If you’re struggling to maintain a training regimen that your dog will stick with, you may need to find help. There may not be a substitute that is as effective as consistent interaction with your dog, but the unfortunate reality is that people don’t often have that kind of time to spend with a new… Read More

The Best Cat Pheromone Sprays

If you are struggling with the behavior your cat is exhibiting either when you’re gone or with you right there, there may be an easy fix. Spraying a cat pheromone spray can calm or deter your cat into a being well-behaved one. Cat pheromones are a prime example of a one-step fix; should they work…. Read More

The Best Dog Food Storage Containers

If you have a dog, there’s a reasonable assumption that you’ll have a bit of food stored for him, as well. Unless you make his own food, you’ll need a separate place to store that food, as well. You probably won’t want to go out and buy him fresh food for each meal, so a… Read More

The Best Dog Bowl Stands

If you don’t bend your neck and scrunch your shoulders to eat, why would you force your dog to do it? In fact, if you could buy an improved version of something your dog already needs to make him a bit more comfortable, we’re betting you would certainly look carefully at doing so. A dog… Read More

The Best Dog Anxiety Vests

It’s absolutely heart breaking when your dog, who fancies himself your protector, whimpers or shakes with anxiety. Whether we like it or not, no dog -big or small, is immune from anxiety. And they don’t always show their anxiety in such timid ways, either. If you’re struggling with your dog and his anxious responses to… Read More

The Best Cat Litter

While you may love living with your cat, there’s very likely one part that you’re not very keen on: cleaning up his potty habits. Unless you have an outdoor cat, there’s every reason to expect that your furry friend will leave you a mess to clean up several times a day and while there’s nothing… Read More

The Best Dog Raincoats

Unless you have a dog who has been trained to use the restroom like a human, there’s a pretty good chance your dog will need to go to the bathroom in the rain at some point. Having a dog means dealing with the wet dog consequences of those rainy potty trips. It means paw prints… Read More