The beach is a beautiful place, so why not soak in some sun, salty waves, and serenity with your favorite pup? There are plenty of great places to do that in Delaware, from the popular Rehoboth Beach to Woodland Beach. If you’re a local looking for a new beach spot or headed there soon on… Read More
Author: Krysha Thayer
Krysha is a proud mom to Shelly, a tortoiseshell rescue kitty that loves to talk back, especially if she's late with breakfast. Shelly’s big personality, despite her small stature, has been a driving force behind Krysha's ambition to spread awareness about local shelters and the small things residents, support groups, and non-profits can do to support them. Growing up, Krysha experienced the care of many pets, from cats and dogs to turtles and small lizards to hamsters and tropical fish, so now her passion is writing about them.
Sugar gliders are small mammals that typically reside in the tall trees of Australia and New Zealand. Because of webbed wrists and ankles, they can glide through the air to reach trees as far as 300 yards away. While they are the size of a squirrel, they only weigh three to five ounces. Because of… Read More
Siberian Huskies sometimes get a bad rap due to their appearance, as their permanent expression can seem aggressive. However, with a second look, their faces are actually quite calm, with bright eyes behind their “mask” that are always playful but watchful over their pack. These two traits, instinctive to Huskies through their breeding, make them… Read More
You may have already had a run-in with a toxic plant and a hungry kitty, and now you’re worried after they’ve taken a bite or two of your parlor palm. We understand the fear but take a breath, pet parent, your rascally cat will be just fine. Parlor palms are non-toxic and won’t harm cats… Read More
Pitt Bulls have a bad rap but can be some of the most gentle and protective family pets. Because they are such great pets, many who already have a Pitt Bull wonder if they will get along with a cat as they look to expand their fur family. Pitt Bulls can be good with cats… Read More
Shetland sheepdogs are a cousin breed of the border collie and share many of their most striking characteristics. The most recognizable of which is their long, thick coat. While beautiful, that coat causes a lot of shedding. You may be thinking, “Well, that’s fine! I’ll take them to the groomers!” Regular trips to the groomers… Read More
Lions and tigers are big cats with big teeth and big claws. Are the beloved kitties that curl up into fluff balls on the back of the couch, attack fake mice, get silly on catnip, and purr when they are happy related to the big, vicious cats we see on TV? Yes, they can be,… Read More
The Irish wolfhounds are a unique breed. The AKC recognizes it as the tallest breed in the world, averaging 105–120 pounds as adults, and they have a distinctive appearance, with a wiry coat in various shades of grey. Because of their stately stature and kind nature, many potential pet owners turn to the Irish wolfhound…. Read More
These cute companions from south of the border are fun, energetic, and confident. They are ideal for families with children and apartment living. Chihuahuas know how to charm their way into your heart quickly. If you are an allergy-suffer, you may be hoping to find a hypoallergenic dog, and this pint-sized one with much less… Read More
Flea collars are the most accessible form of flea prevention for cats on the market, making them a popular choice for pet parents. They are affordable, and you can purchase them at any pet store or general retailer, meaning you don’t need to make a veterinary appointment for a prescription. However, the chemicals used are… Read More
You may have heard some house plants and flowers are toxic to cats, so you might be on the edge of panic after seeing your fur-baby munching on a carnation. The good news is that carnations are only mildly toxic, so while your pet will be uncomfortable for a while, they are likely not in… Read More
Are you allergic to cats? If so, you are part of the 15 to 30% of the world’s population with an allergy to pets, and more people are sensitive to cats than dogs. Allergy symptoms can range from slight irritation to life-threatening anaphylaxis caused by an overreaction of your immune system to proteins in a… Read More