
The hairless French Bulldog first appeared in 2020, to much acclaim. But while they’re extremely cute, they’ve also drummed up a fair amount of controversy.

Why are these dogs so controversial, where did they come from, and is it ethical to own one? We break down everything that you need to know here so you can make your own decision.

The Earliest Records of Hairless French Bulldogs in History

Hairless French Bulldogs are an extremely new breed, and current records seem to indicate that they came from China. They’re a crossbreed between the French Bulldog, the Pug, and the Chinese Crested Dog.

The breed first popped up in 2020, and since then, vets all around the world have been raising alarm bells about potential health concerns with these pets.

The issues that vets seem to have included the ones that regular French Bulldogs have, but many of those problems are compounded by the dog being hairless. French Bulldogs are notorious for struggling to breathe, so they can’t handle high temperatures.

While you might think that having no hair would help keep them cool, it actually works the other way, as they are unable to cool down the way that they need to. It also keeps them at higher risk for sunburn. In short, it takes all the health concerns of hairless dogs and combines them with all the health concerns of short muzzle dogs, so the hairless French Bulldog simply doesn’t get any relief.

How Hairless French Bulldogs Gained Popularity

While the hairless French Bulldog is a new breed, it’s not hard to see why they gained popularity so quickly. They look extremely cute and adorable, leading to many people wanting to get one.

They’re also considered hypoallergenic, opening them up to a new clientele that otherwise couldn’t get a French Bulldog. Still, due to how controversial they are, it’s unknown how much more popular the hairless French Bulldog will become.

Formal Recognition of Hairless French Bulldogs

There is currently no formal recognition of the hairless French Bulldog. Moreover, it’s extremely unlikely that the hairless French Bulldog will gain any kind of formal recognition anytime soon.

This is for two different reasons. First, they’re a mix of three different breeds, and it takes a long time for formal dog clubs to recognize such mixes. Second, formal dog clubs don’t like to promote breeds that have obvious health concerns.

The hairless French Bulldog fails on both counts, so it’s unlikely that they will get any kind of formal recognition any time soon.

Top 5 Unique Facts About Hairless French Bulldogs

The hairless French Bulldog is a controversial breed, but they’re also extremely interesting. We highlighted five of the most interesting facts about this breed for you here.

1. Hairless French Bulldogs are an extremely new breed.

With one of the first sightings of this dog in China in 2020, it’s hard to find a newer dog breed than this. They recently started making their way around the rest of the world.

Image Credit: Firn, Shutterstock

2. Hairless French Bulldogs are extremely controversial.

Due to the increased risk of various health concerns, the hairless French Bulldog is one of the more controversial dog breeds out there. They are susceptible to all the health concerns of both short-snouted and hairless dogs.

3. You can mitigate most hairless French Bulldog health concerns.

While the hairless French Bulldog is more susceptible to many different health concerns, if you take a few extra precautions, you can mitigate these concerns and keep your hairless French Bulldog happy and healthy.

4. The hairless French Bulldog is considered hypoallergenic.

Since the hairless French Bulldog is hairless, they don’t produce the dander that triggers many allergies, though the oils on their skin and saliva could still be problems.

5. Hairless French Bulldogs cost between $1,500 and $4,000.

The hairless French Bulldog is both rare and expensive. If you find a breeder, you can expect to spend anywhere between $1,500 and $4,000 to get one.

Image By: Angyalosi Beata, Shutterstock

Does a Hairless French Bulldog Make a Good Pet?

It depends on what you’re looking for in a pet. The hairless French Bulldog is an extremely friendly and cute dog, but they are prone to many health problems.

If you’re willing to take extra precautions and put in the work, though, you can mitigate most health concerns and keep your hairless French Bulldog happy and healthy.

Final Thoughts

We can’t answer with certainty whether it’s ethical to own or breed a hairless French Bulldog, but we can say that these are extremely adorable pups that can have various health problems.

If you do decide that you want one, ensure that you take all the necessary precautions to keep them healthy and happy, even if it’s going to take a bit more work on your end.

Featured Image Credit: Christel SAGNIEZ, Pixabay