Hairless cats are truly unique. These cats have genetic mutations that have made them bald. Some people might think that not having any hair makes these cats easier to care for, but they actually require more care than furry cats. They are usually covered in wrinkly skin that feels fuzzy and warm. They look like they have large eyes and ears because their hairless bodies make these features stand out more.
If you’re wondering what hairless cats are called, six common breeds fall under this category. In this article, we look at these hairless cats and learn what sets them apart from the others.
The 6 Hairless Cat Breeds
1. Sphynx
When you think of a hairless cat, you likely think of a Sphynx. They are arguably the most well-known hairless cat breed. These wrinkly cuties might have patches of hair sometimes or be completely bald. They have wide eyes, broad ears, and lean bodies that are covered with wrinkles. They feel like a warm peach to the touch.

2. Donskoy
The Donskoy or Russian Hairless cat originated in Russia in the 1980s. They are intelligent, playful cats that love to be social. Some cats can have short, wiry patches of hair on their bodies. Some Donskoy kittens are born with a fuzzy coat and become bald as they grow older.
3. Peterbald
The Peterbald cat is a cross of a Sphynx cat and an Oriental Shorthair cat. Some cats have skin that feels like peach fuzz. Others can have short coats of dense hair. They are sometimes mistaken for the Sphynx cat.
4. Bambino
A Bambino cat is a mix between a Sphynx cat and a Munchkin cat. Bambino is Italian for “baby,” which is appropriate for this cat because they typically don’t weigh more than 9 pounds. They are unique cats with short legs, round eyes, and large ears. They can be completely hairless or have a light fuzz on their bodies.
5. Dwelf
The Dwelf is a mix of a Sphynx cat, an American Curl cat, and a Munchkin cat. They have an elf-like appearance with short legs and curled ears. The Dwelf is a friendly cat with a moderate energy level. They may be hairless, but they can come in various colors and patterns.
6. Ukrainian Levkoy
The Ukrainian Levkoy cat is a rare cat believed to be a mix of a Donskoy and a Scottish Fold. They have inward-folding ears from their Scottish Fold heritage, slender bodies, almond-shaped eyes, and wrinkled skin. Like other hairless breeds, this cat can be completely hairless or covered in peach fuzz.
Why Are Hairless Cats So Expensive?
Hairless cats can cost thousands of dollars. They’re purebred and can be harder to find than cats with hair. Since there is such a demand for hairless cats, they are harder to locate. The demand often exceeds the supply.
How to Care For a Hairless Cat
Hairless cats may not shed like others, but they require grooming to keep them healthy. All cats have sebaceous glands on their skin that produce oil. This oil is called sebum and is distributed throughout the cat’s hair and over the skin. Self-grooming helps this process along.
On cats with no hair, the oil has nowhere to go. It can’t go into the hair, so it builds up on the skin. Hairless cats require weekly baths to keep this oil production under control. If this doesn’t happen, the oil can leave stains on your floors, carpet, and furniture.
Hairless cats also need to be kept warm. They can get cold more easily than cats with hair and may require sweaters and heated beds year-round, depending on the temperature of your home. If your cat is seeking warm places, they may need more blankets and warm options for napping.
One thing to keep in mind is sun exposure. Cats are notorious for finding the sunniest spot and curling up for a quick cat nap, but this is dangerous for hairless cats. They are more prone to sunburn because they don’t have any hair for protection.
If your hairless cat wants to spend time in the sun, you may need to limit their time in sunlight or put a cat-safe sunscreen on their skin.
There are several breeds of hairless cats, and many of them share a common ancestor: the Sphynx. The Sphynx cat may be the most famous hairless cat breed, but if you’re looking for a hairless cat, check out the others. You may find the right one for you!
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