Your cat has just given birth to kittens. Congratulations! Now that you have these new furry bundles of joy, there is so much to celebrate. That is, of course, unless you have concerns about the birth. If your cat has been purring ever since the kittens were born, you may be growing concerned. There is no need for your panic, as there are plenty of reasons that your cat may be purring, and most of them are perfectly normal.
If you want to know why your cat may be purring, as well as any signs that something may be wrong, keep reading below.
Why Do Cats Purr After Giving Birth?
There are a few reasons your cat may be purring after giving birth.
Think about the times you most often see a cat purring. It is usually due to happiness or contentment; the same can be said for your cat after birthing kittens. Often, cats will purr after labor due to feelings of relief after a strenuous experience. Purring releases endorphins that help to soothe your cat. If your cat is purring after giving birth, she may just be settling herself down.
Your cat may also be purring to communicate with her kittens. When kittens are born, they do not have as many sensory functions as an adult cat. They are born blind and deaf, so their mother communicates to them through purring, and they can feel the vibrations. When the kittens feel these vibrations, they know where to find their mother to nurse or to rest.

Another reason your cat may be purring is that she is working on recuperating after the birth. A study found that the frequency at which cats purr is around 50 and 150 Hz. This range is the same vibration frequency that promotes the process of healing bones. If your cat experienced pain during delivery, she is probably purring to help herself heal. This is perfectly normal. However, if you are concerned about her well-being, look below at the signs of a potential birth compilation.
What Are the Signs of a Birth Complication?
If you think your cat’s purring is out of the ordinary or otherwise suspect that she is unwell, there are some warning signs to watch out for that may indicate something is amiss. For instance, if there were any complications during the birth, reach out to your vet if you have not already.
If your cat has not passed the placenta, reach out to your vet immediately. The placenta should be expelled after birth; if it is not, it can lead to issues such as infections, fevers, decreased appetite, and neglect of the kittens. As for vaginal discharge, there may be discharge for three weeks after birth, and it will typically appear red or black. However, if the discharge appears bloody or has pus, reach out to your vet.
What to Expect from Your Cat After She Has Given Birth
After giving birth, your cat will likely be exhausted. To properly bond with her kittens, you will want to ensure that she has a space to herself and her kittens so that she can feed them, relax, and bond with them in a comfortable environment.
Final Thoughts
If you are concerned about your cat’s well-being, do not hesitate to reach out to your vet. Rest assured that purring is very common after giving birth, and it is usually not something to be concerned about. Take a moment to enjoy the experience you have just witnessed, as there are few things in the world more joyous than welcoming a new life into the world.
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