
irish setter in mountains

Irish Setters are known for being energetic, enthusiastic, and very active. If you own one of these dogs you won’t be surprised to learn that they need exercise every day or else they may become quite restless. This often results in you finding the floors and furniture covered in their fur. They have awesome personalities,… Read More

Bernese Mountain Dog lying on shore

Just because someone suffers from dog allergies doesn’t guarantee they’ll hate dogs. Many allergy sufferers couldn’t imagine a life without dogs, leaving them wondering if there’s something they can do to alleviate the suffering they experience when around their beloved family friends. Unfortunately, Bernese Mountain Dogs are not hypoallergenic. These dogs will trigger dog allergies… Read More

austrian black and tan hound dog eating the grass

It’s not unusual to see your dog eating grass, but the causes for this behavior can vary. It may be that today’s dogs have inherited the tendency to nibble on greenery from their wild ancestors, as wild dogs exhibit the same behavior. As for other potential causes, there are a few ideas and study-backed theories… Read More

an african pygmy hedgehog in owners hands

Hedgehogs are undeniably cute. These unique and inquisitive creatures make wonderful pets for owners who are willing to put in the work to keep their prickly animals happy and healthy. In order to make sure that your hedgehog is well looked after, you need to provide it with the right housing and environment, exercise, and… Read More

dog rolling in grass

Our dogs bring us joy, at least most of the time—maybe not so much when they roll in poop. Not only does rolling in poop make your dog smell unpleasant, but you’re forced to give him a bath before allowing him back in the house, and especially back on the furniture. Although rolling in poop… Read More

munchkin cat indoors

When looking to adopt a new furry friend, it’s important to consider if you have any underlying allergies that could affect you negatively. Munchkin cats are characterized by their smaller bodies and adorable stature, but they are, unfortunately, not hypoallergenic. This means that if you are known to have allergies to other people’s pets, the… Read More

ant trap on kitchen countertop

If you’ve seen too many ants in your home and decided to take action, you might have heard that ant traps are a great solution. All you have to do is place them around your home, and you’re done. However, are ant traps are safe for cats? It depends! The chemicals used in most modern… Read More

Jack Russell Terrier sitting on the grass

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, dog and cat allergies affect 10–20% of the world’s population. This explains the growing interest in so-called “hypoallergenic” breeds. Unfortunately, no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, as the sources of allergens are found primarily in dander, saliva, urine, and blood. Additionally, other research suggests that people… Read More

Tortoiseshell Norwegian Forest Cat

Every cat has special distinctions that make them the apple of its owner’s eye. Often, we choose our kitten or cat according to their personality and markings. One of the rarest cat colors is the tortoiseshell. These cats are a brilliant mix of orange and black and are often referred to as Torties. While several… Read More

Belgian Malinois in the forest

Belgian Malinois is a famous dog for various K-9 unit forces from the municipal to the international level. They’ve been a feature of several high-profile raids in the war on terrorism, which can be suitable for a lesser-known breed like the Belgian Malinois by increasing the number of capable, interested owners. However, the surge that… Read More

Poppy Seeds from bottle

The poppy plant has been used as a traditional remedy for centuries and is found in many different baking goods and dishes. The plant’s seeds and oil can offer a variety of health benefits, including pain relief, protection from cardiovascular disease, and improved fertility. So, if you’ve taken a liking to baking with poppy seeds,… Read More

lots of pine cones

Every pet owner has once said, “What are you eating!?” exasperatedly to their dog. Dogs are chewers by nature, so it’s completely natural for them to explore their environment with their mouths. This can be dangerous, however, as many things in their environment can pose risks if ingested. One thing your dog may enjoy chewing… Read More

wolf spider in the garden

Cats are known for killing and even eating spiders. And while wolf spiders don’t necessarily look like wolves, they’re just as dangerous. These hairy, medium-sized spiders are different from other species as they can’t actually spin webs. Instead of spinning webs, they actually hunt down their prey and pounce on them, paralyzing them with their… Read More

a scared cat on couch

Passing gas goes by many names—tooting, farting, and letting one rip—and it’s something all people and animals do, including cats. Sure, cats are graceful and sophisticated animals known for keeping themselves clean and tidy, but like any other animal, a cat can get flatulence. While not common, cat farts do happen. This flatulence occurs in… Read More

Siberian Huskies sometimes get a bad rap due to their appearance, as their permanent expression can seem aggressive. However, with a second look, their faces are actually quite calm, with bright eyes behind their “mask” that are always playful but watchful over their pack. These two traits, instinctive to Huskies through their breeding, make them… Read More

shetland sheepdog lying on a trunk

Shetland sheepdogs are a cousin breed of the border collie and share many of their most striking characteristics. The most recognizable of which is their long, thick coat. While beautiful, that coat causes a lot of shedding. You may be thinking, “Well, that’s fine! I’ll take them to the groomers!” Regular trips to the groomers… Read More

irish wolfhound is standing on a green grass

The Irish wolfhounds are a unique breed. The AKC recognizes it as the tallest breed in the world, averaging 105–120 pounds as adults, and they have a distinctive appearance, with a wiry coat in various shades of grey. Because of their stately stature and kind nature, many potential pet owners turn to the Irish wolfhound…. Read More